Discover the Policosanol Benefits.

Discover the Policosanol Benefits.

About policosanol.

Statin Discover the Policosanol Benefits.

About policosanol

Policosanol has several other names you may have heard policosanol benefits. These names are : octacosanol . 1 - octacosanol , N - octacosanol and octacosyl alcohol.

Policosanol is a food supplement in fact , made WWF a mixture of alcohols is derived wax Cuban sugar cane . Approximately 60% of alcohols that have been extracted are octacosanol .

Policosanol benefits since the United States launched a U.S. trade embargo on Cuba , this form of policosanol is not very easy to obtain in the United States . Typically , in U.S. policosanol is derived from beeswax and wheat germ .

Policosanol provides a natural way to fight against cholesterol. Help fight against LDL (bad cholesterol) policosanol benefits while increasing HDL ( good cholesterol). It also helps fight atherosclerosis. Several studies have been conducted on the effects of policosanol .

When it comes to cholesterol , research has shown that policosanol actively helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol by preventing the formation of cholesterol in the liver of the body.

search policosanol benefits.

One thing you should know is that most research has been done on the policosanol has been through groups of Cuban research. As mentioned earlier in this article policosanol benefits, wax Cuban sugar cane is used to extract policosanol primary wax.

Therefore, this means that the research could be contaminated. Why do we say this? Because other research has been conducted outside of Cuba and the results show that policosanol has no effect on cholesterol levels in the body policosanol benefits.

For those who still believe that policosanol can help with cholesterol levels is usually said to ingest 5-10 mg twice daily of this dietary supplement .

Generally, you have to stay in this dietary policosanol benefits supplement for a period of two months before they begin to show changes. It is a supplement you need to take for the long term before the effects can be noticed .

Also, keep in mind that policosanol may increase the effect of other medicines that you take .

Policosanol benefits for example, drugs that affect blood clotting or the effects of drugs " can increase antiplatelet These drugs include aspirin , heparin , warfarin, high doses of vitamin E, ginkgo, and supplements garlic , even .

Now you do not need to worry about what is policosanol ? Although studies have been conflicting policosanol benefits, adding another food supplement to your daily routine can help your health in one way or another.

Policosanol is related to cholesterol , however, just make sure that if you drink while taking other medications that you are careful until you know what the effects of the mixture of them can policosanol benefits.

One of the best ways to ensure that you get the real health benefits of policosanol is the use of a multivitamin - board and enjoy some of the latest advances in nutrition today.

Policosanol benefits if you are interested in learning the secrets of finding the best natural multivitamin with policosanol effective and dramatically improve your health, visit my website , where I share what products I personally use for fast results , safe and effective.

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