What are statin drugs?

What are statin drugs?

Drugs What are statin drugs?

What are statin drugs the statins are drugs used to reduce levels of serum lipids and lipoproteins . Also known as statins , statin drugs to act through suppression of HM -Cora reeducate , an enzyme involved in cholesterol production . Blocking the action of this enzyme protein also stimulates certain receptor found on the surface of cells that bind to circulating low density lipoproteins (LD ), so it can be contained in the liver and digested what are statin drugs.

Given the high levels what are statin drugs of LD cholesterol are associated with promoting the accumulation of arterial plaque , statins are particularly beneficial for people at risk for heart disease. However, evidence suggests that statins may also help prevent kidney disease , arthritis , osteoporosis , dementia (such as Alzheimer 's disease ) what are statin drugs, and certain cancers .

What are statin drugs statins are either synthesized or obtained as fermentation substrate , or the product of the oxidation of an organic compound. However, one of the statins , compacting , occurs naturally in red yeast rice due to the presence of Penicillin citrine , a type of mold. However, because it is connected to many undesirable side effects , compacting not used as the hypoallergenic agent itself . Instead , it is used to produce another call statin protestation . In fact, what are statin drugs the synthesis of compacting is the only way that protestation can be obtained .

Lovastatin was the first statin to be approved by the U.S what are statin drugs. Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) . Like many other drugs in this class, which is obtained by fermentation , in this case , from the fungus Papergirl terries . In fact, as compacting, which is also found naturally in the red yeast . Lovastatin is marketed under what are statin drugs several brands , including Evictor and Loco .

What is most important for patients to understand about this new information on statins ?

What are statin drugs the most important thing to recognize is "The value of statins in preventing heart disease is well established , " said Dr. Amy G. Egan , deputy director for safety in the Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, FDA products . " Their advantage is undeniable, but should be taken with caution and their side effects. " Patients taking statins to reduce the risk of life-threatening events such as heart attacks - what are statin drugs these medicines are considered essential for long-term health term welfare . Latest warnings not really affect how these drugs are needed. Prescribing and use of these drugs has been long established . Do not take a prescribed statin is considered very risky what are statin drugs.

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